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Maintenance Technology applauds ITTIA ODBC

April 28, 2003 — Bellevue, WA — Maintenance Technology magazine is one of the premier publications for plant equipment maintenance and reliability and asset management. In its April Resource Guide, which reaches tens of thousands of maintenance professionals worldwide it featured and applauded ITTIA ODBC technology. The article explains how the US Air Force's Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) utilized RDMi to use data already collected and stored in the proprietary database of PRISM4.

AEDC had been successfully using a PRISM4 system to analyze vibration in motors, and had found that the software met its needs. However, over time the lab's needs and requirements changed; and to add system capabilities, the team needed to write new functions using National Instrument's LabVIEW. LabVIEW needed to access the PRISM4 database via industry standards, but this was not possible without a disruptive and cost-prohibitive system upgrade.

Enter RDMi. It allows PRISM4 users to connect to the embedded database via common ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) tools such as Microsoft Access, Excel and LabVIEW, to read and write data from the embedded database.

"ITTIA ODBC connected easily and communicates with LabVIEW flawlessly," Mark Brandon, senior engineer at AEDC said in the Maintenance Technology article. "Given our situation and needs, ITTIA ODBC provided outstanding cost-effectiveness."

ITTIA has engineered similar solutions for companies such as Glaxo-Smith-Kline and Molson, as well as respected institutions such as Ohio State University.

"Organizations invest heavily in IT infrastructure, and naturally prefer to extend well-functioning systems rather than replace them," ITTIA President Sasan Montaseri said. "We are committed to providing technology to help achieve this goal. It is a pleasure to work with the AEDC team, and we are pleased to see our product's capabilities showcased in a publication such as Maintenance Technology."


ITTIA, through its innovative data access solutions, strives to create products which allow information to flow freely so companies have access to the knowledge they need to make good decisions. ITTIA's products include RDMi, which unlocks proprietary databases and allows other tools, such as Microsoft Access and Excel, to access otherwise hidden data; and db.linux, a lightweight but very powerful database engine for Linux platforms.